Thursday, April 02, 2020

The Socialist Party and Socialism

 Private ownership of the means of production and distribution of  wealth has caused society to split into two distinct classes with conflicting interests, the small possessing class of capitalists or exploiters of the labour force of others and the ever-increasing large dispossessed class of wage-workers. The capitalists’ ownership of the means of production, is responsible for the insecurity of subsistence, the poverty, misery, and degradation of the ever-growing majority of our people. Either we adopt socialism, the common ownership of the means of production for the common good and welfare, or the result could possibly be the destruction of civilisation.

 The Socialist Party declares its object to be the establishment of a system of cooperative production and distribution through the restoration to the people of all the means of production and distribution, to be administered by organised society in the interest of the whole people, and the complete emancipation of society from the domination of capitalism. Wage-workers should sever connection with all capitalist and reform parties. The control of political power by the working class will be tantamount to the abolition of capitalism. The workers have never yet developed or made use of their political power. They have played the game of their masters for the benefit of the master class - and now many of them, disgusted with their own blind and stupid performance, are renouncing politics and refusing to see any difference between the capitalist parties financed by the ruling class to perpetuate class rule and the Socialist Party organised by the workers themselves as a means of wresting the control of government and of industry from the capitalists and making the working class the ruling class of the nation and the world. The solidarity of labour connecting us with millions of class conscious fellow workers throughout the world will lead to world socialism, the unity of humanity.

The means of production will be for the common benefit of all. There will be an end to all exploitation. Wealth will be the property of the people and not of individual capitalists. The resources of society will be shared and distributed according to the needs of the people, not to satisfy a few capitalists’ hunger for profits as is the case today.

Socialism will be a planned economy. Workers will participate directly in running the country from top to bottom. This planning will guarantee the well-being of all the people and guide the process of socialist economic construction. Gone will be the anarchy of capitalist production. Gone, too, its resultant economic crises which today bring so much misery to workers. Unemployment and inflation will be things of the past, unknown under socialism. We will eliminate the terrible waste of human resources as is the case today with a million unemployed. It will be impossible for idle parasites to live off the backs of the workers as the capitalists  do today. Through planning we shall build up and modernize the factories and other productive facilities and eliminate backward and backbreaking labour. We will construct new houses and medical, cultural and sports facilities for the working people. The quality of everyday life will improve vastly. Socialism means tremendous progress.

 Socialism is the future of humanity, a radically new society where classes and the state will have been completely eliminated. The state is simply an instrument by which one class dominates another. It became a necessity when society split into classes. Just as the ancient slave state served the slave owners to suppress the countless slave rebellions, so too the modern capitalist state is a tool of the bourgeoisie to maintain its dictatorship over the working class. In abolishing classes in society, socialism will change the form and type of governments which exist today. Governments will become administrative bodies regulating production and consumption. They will not be the instruments of the capitalist class, i.e., capitalist governments whose main reason for existence is to guarantee the political as well as the economic rule of big business, their profits, their private ownership of the instruments of production, and the conduct of war in the economic and political interests of this class. 

With socialism there will be no rich and no poor, and all members of society will contribute to the common good. All social inequalities will have been banished. Socialism, and only socialism, will create a world without national barriers a world  without master and slave

Socialism will end the root evil of modern society, i.e., the private ownership of the means of production, the factories, mines, mills, machinery and land, which produce the necessities of life. 

In socialism, these instruments of production will become the property of society, owned in common, producing for use, for the general welfare of the people as a whole. With the abolition of the private ownership of the means of life and with it the factor of profit as the prime mover of production, the sharp divisions of society between nations and classes will disappear. Then, and only then, will society be in a position to become a social order of abundance and plenty for all, for socialism will create a new world of genuine cooperation and collaboration between the peoples of the earth. The preoccupation of socialism will be to assist in the elevation of society, to improve continually the living standards of the people, to extend their leisure time and thus make it possible to heighten the cultural level of the whole world. Socialism will eliminate all forms of dictatorship, political as well as economic. World socialism will be the freest, most democratic society the world has ever known, truly representing the majority of the population. A citizen of a socialist society will look back upon the capitalist era with its wars, destruction and bloody and cruel dictatorships as we now look back upon the brutality of slave and serf societies.

A world socialist administration will assess the industrial potential of the world, determine its resources, the needs of the people and plan production with the aim of increasing the standards of living of a free people, creating abundance, increasing leisure and opportunity for cultural enjoyment. Socialism will not concern itself with profits and war, but with providing decent housing, a multitude of schools and colleges, an integrated healthcare structure for all the people as its  paramount consideration

Above all, work will be without exploitation. For the aim of socialism is not the increase intensification of labour, but the utilization of machinery, technology, science and invention to diminish toil, to create time in which to permit all the people to enjoy the benefits of social progress. The modern world contains all the pre-conditions necessary for socialism. All about us we observe gigantic industrial establishments containing machinery which could produce the goods of life in abundance. Mankind has developed marvellous technology. Socialism will place at the disposal of science and the scientists all the material means to help create an ever-improving social life for mankind. Under capitalism, scientists are mere wage workers hiring out their skills to private industry. The fruits of their intelligence, learning arid research become the exclusive property of the capitalists who profit from the talent of these scientists. Thus, science has become subordinated to profits rather than to the common good of all mankind. Yet the future society depends in large measure on changing this relation of science to society. Only socialism can place science where it properly belongs: in the service of the people.

Humanity is at a crossroads. We can travel the road of capitalism, i.e., we can travel the road of chaos, war, poverty and barbarism, or we can choose to take the socialist road toward true freedom, peace and security, the road toward a society of plenty for all which would end the exploitation of man by man for all time.

Wednesday, April 01, 2020

Scottish Justice Comes to an End

We expected the Scottish government to take some far-reaching action to try and cope with the COVID-19 crisis. Many we view as necessary common-sense decisions despite the personal inconvenience it may cause.

However there may well be limits to our acceptance of the government's response. One of those is its attempt to maintain law and order in the country. The Scottish government is pushing through a swathe of emergency powers to help the criminal justice system and which are expected to be approved by Holyrood on Wednesday in a single day.

The bill would prevent landlords from evicting tenants for non-payment of rent; empower Holyrood to allow the release of prison inmates nearing the end of their sentences. No complaints there.

However, there are  plans to suspend jury trials for up to 18 months to cope with the coronavirus crisis which many in the legal profession have criticised as a “knee-jerk reaction instigated by panic and at worst something far more sinister.”

The Scottish Criminal Bar Association, which represents courtroom lawyers, said it was furious that ministers wanted to temporarily suspend jury trials and to dilute rules on evidence and witness statements, to ensure cases could go ahead.
Judges will be allowed to take pre-recorded witness statements - which cannot be challenged under cross-examination - and time limits requiring cases to come to court within 140 or 110 days would be waived.
Unlike with the Diplock courts in Northern Ireland, where a single judge sits without a jury in terror trials, there is no automatic right of appeal allowed under the new bill.
“What is proposed includes attacks on principles that have been built over more than 600 years and are the very cornerstone of not just Scotland’s criminal justice system, but those of almost every advanced liberal democracy in the developed world,” the association said. “These measures are premature, disproportionate and ill advised."

Socialist Standard No. 1388 April 2020


We herald the dawn of the Socialist Commonwealth

 Exploitation and the plunder of a property-less class through the wages system is the very essence of the present system, and will accompany it to the end. The key to mankind's splendid future is POLITICAL POWER. When the workers understand their present wage-slavery and the plundering of their class by the capitalist system, they will see also, if they study socialism, that in freeing themselves from the bondage of capitalism they will set the whole world free. They will then TRUST THEMSELVES to do so. Organising on the economic field, in factory, workshop, and. every sphere of toil, they will fit themselves for controlling wealth-production for society's needs and benefit. Organising, above all, on the political field for the capture and control of political power, they will, in obtaining it, hold the key to freedom in their hand, and will use it for the paramount purpose of establishing the Socialist Commonwealth.
There is an element of uncertainty about the growth of the socialist movement. Not even the Socialist Party can tell how far the minds of the workers are turned to receive the principles of
socialism, or how many, already understanding them, are only waiting a popular movement basis on socialism. The number of members to-day may be small but it is the soundness of the principles, and the ease with which they can be understood, and the growing realisation by the workers that their accustomed methods achieve nothing, that keeps the Socialist Party going.

The master class and their lackeys never weary in their campaign of extolling the "virtues" of capitalism. The aim of the Socialist Party is to tear away this the veil of illusion and see capitalism in all its hideous deformity, and use our knowledge to bring to our way of thinking the men and women of the working class, without whose assistance our ultimate object is unattainable. We must show that capitalism has outlasted its usefulness; must emphasise and criticise the evils which are now the inevitable consequence of its continuance; we must point out that capitalism as a social force has played its part and that the time is ripe for the next stage in the evolution of society to be born.

Many people, while sympathetic to the idea of socialism, hesitate to join up with the Socialist Party because they are unable to visualise what conditions of life, other than the material, will obtain when the old system of Capitalism has passed and the new system of Socialism has taken its place. Many people consider, for instance, that under a system where the necessities and comforts of life are assured to everyone, society will lapse into a state of apathy and lethargy. They cannot understand that, where people work for use and not for profit, the better the work done by the individual, the greater the benefit bestowed upon the society of which the better worker is a unit. The workers under the socialist society will work for themselves as a collective body and not, as now, for a comparatively few social parasites, who by reason of their class position as capitalists as against the workers' position as wage-slaves, hold in their hands the power of dealing with the very lives of the majority of the community, not as they will, but as the fluctuations of economic circumstance may force them to.
One word more to those who, although themselves members of the working class, have such a poor opinion of the potentialities of their fellows. Why not change your tactics? Why not employ the powers you possess in helping to found a state of affairs wherein the members of the working class—your own class— shall have a chance of showing what they can do? Understand socialism. Organise for socialism. Propagate socialism. Work for socialism. Do not worry so much about the future. The future, you may be assured, will be quite safe in the hands of an intelligent democracy. We ask for the co-operation of all who accept the principles of socialism, so that when the inevitable disintegration of capitalism takes place, we, the workers as a whole, shall be ready, equipped for any emergency, to enter into the new world to be won.
 Fellow worker, have you ever thought what your support of capitalist society means to you and your class? It means a life of toil and poverty, and at the end of the journey, when you are no longer useful as a profit-producing machine, vegetating in a care-home  stares you in the face. The fact that in society to-day there exists underfed children and hungry mothers is part of the indictment against capitalism. The cause of poverty in the midst of plenty is to be found in the private ownership of the means of life. Social ownership can alone effect the change. And this the Socialist Party stands for. Look around you and you will see signs that there is an antagonism of interest between the two sections in the community— a class war—which can only be terminated by the abolition of classes in and through the institution of the Socialist Commonwealth. Socialism is not an end in itself, but the means to a fuller and more richly endowed way of life. The spirit of harmony can only come with socialism, when the means of wealth-production are socially owned and controlled for the use and benefit of all.

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Tackling Scotland's Problems

More than 21,000 healthy Scots have signed up to become volunteers to support vulnerable people in their area during the coronavirus pandemic. People are being asked to go to the Ready Scotland website if they wish to provide practical or emotional help.
Glasgow's  Scottish Event Campus (SEC) in Glasgow could be in operation as a temporary hospital within two weeks. The emergency facility will be run by the NHS and could have capacity for more than 1,000 patients.
Health Secretary Jeane Freeman said the emergency facility would be a hospital staffed by and run by the NHS, "with full clinical and medical infection control standards".

When push comes to shove, this shows that society can if it wishes challenge the many social problems that faces it. But why have we waited for a global pandemic to mobilise the people and the resources?

It's us or them

"The great appear great to us only because we are on our knees; let us rise"

The goal of the Socialist Party is the conversion of the means of production, and distribution into the common property of society in the interests of the entire community. The struggle to secure the common ownership of the means of production—the prerequisite of economic and social prosperity - which can only come about through the political victory of the class without property over the class with property. The basic evil in capitalist society lies in the private ownership of the means of production. This is the root cause for the wasteful unplanned anarchy of capitalism, for its extremes of unnecessary poverty on the one hand and anti-social wealth on the other, for its instability. The plain fact is that a numerically small group of people, the capitalists, who own the machinery of production and the natural resources of the country, have the masses at their mercy. They are industrial serfs. The ownership of industry is the source of the power of the profit-seeking class. It gives them control of the opportunities of the masses to secure the necessities of life. The millions of men and women who are dependent upon the wages they earn for a living are economic serfs. The present industrial system divides the people of this country into two classes. Anyone with a grain of common sense will admit that. There are people who work for wages and those who employ the wage workers. The evils of the present social order — insecurity, low wages, and industrial conflicts — are the product of a system in which the supreme purpose is the taking of profits.

The business of making profits is shrouded in great mystery by the capitalists. They seek to make the workers believe that it is through some occult power that they make the processes of production yield them profits and build up great fortunes for them. There is no mystery about the source of profits. The capitalists do not create wealth out of the aid in juggling with industry. They make profits because they purchase the labour-power of the workers for less than the value of the goods the workers produce, that is, they do not pay the workers the full value of their labour. There is not other way of making profits out of industry. The lower the wages for which the capitalists can purchase the labour-power of the workers and the longer their hours of labour, the greater will be the capitalists’ profits. The industrial conflicts which are part and parcel of the capitalist system are the direct outgrowth of this situation. The workers naturally seek to increase their wages and reduce their hours of labour. They endeavour to secure for themselves more of the wealth they produce and better working conditions. The capitalists resist. They see their profits menaced by the workers’ demands. The workers organize their power and refuse to work unless their demands are granted, and we have a strike

The existing industrial system is a huge profit-making machine, which has no relation to the happiness and well-being of the people. We have solved the problem of production. If working people seek a better world their aim must be the abolition of the profit system. The profit system leads inevitably to the conclusion that it is incompatible with the interests of the people. Common ownership of industry is the remedy for our social problems, the abolition of the rewards of ownership, rent, interest, and profit. The abolition of exploitation through the abolition of rent, interest, and profits will insure to the masses the enjoyment of the wealth produced through our greatly increased productive power and will end the misery and poverty which is such a dark blot upon our civilisation.

We can produce all that is needed to supply the necessities of life as well as some of the comforts of life — education and the opportunity for recreation — to all the people. World socialism will enable us to bring into existence more than enough wealth to give a high standard of living, which means good food, good clothing, good homes, education and recreation, peace and happiness to every family in all the lands. Through the establishment of industrial democracy we can assure through their creative effort that men are not drudges and slaves, but free men and women cooperating together in producing socially useful things.

The struggle of the working class will henceforth be a political struggle for control of the state because it must gain control of the government before it can hope to establish social democracy. For the working class to endeavour to take control of industry while all the repressive power of the class state remained in the hands of the capitalist class would be to invite destruction. The task the workers have to undertake, the way to freedom, is through building a class conscious political movement which will carry on the work of educating the workers to an understanding of the system of exploitation which now exists and the class character of the struggle to wrest control of the government out of the hands of the capitalist class. The Socialist Party is the medium through which this can be done. At the same time it is an essential part of the work of the workers to build up organisations in the industries themselves, having as their goal to supercede the capitalists in the control of industry. In these organisations in the industries are the beginnings of the new industrial order that will expand and grow until they become a huge cooperative organisation of the workers for control and management of the work of production and of all matters pertaining to the common interest of society. 

Monday, March 30, 2020

End the yoke of private property

The socialist ownership of the means of production means the elimination of the capitalist economic system, the abolition of private ownership of those means of production and the eradication of exploitation of man by man. In socialist society there are no longer classes with a monopoly of property in the means of production.

Capitalism does not consist merely in the private ownership of the necessaries for production. If such ownership were the determining feature of capitalism, then capitalism reigned in the days of serfdom. The serf owned his tools, the feudal lord owned the land. Yet that was not capitalism. Capitalism is that social system under which the tool of production (capital) has grown to such mammoth size that the class that owns it rules the world like a despot, steadily swelling the number of the wage slaves.

Socialism does not consist merely in the overthrow of private ownership in any or all of the necessaries of life. If such overthrow of private ownership were socialism, then the overthrow of the one-time private ownership of military forces, and the present state-ownership of the same, would be socialism. Obviously, that is not socialism. A leg of a human being is not a human being. Socialism is that social system under which the necessaries of production are owned, controlled, and administered by the people, for the people, and under which, accordingly, the cause of political and economic despotism having been abolished, class rule is at end. That is socialism, nothing short of that.

Socialists deny that workers and the capitalists are brothers. Instead we recognise the irreconcilable nature of the conflict between the two. That class struggle will not end until the capitalist class is thrown off the backs of the workers. As Tolstoy says, "I sit on a man's back, choking him and making him carry me, and yet assure myself and others that I am very sorry for him and wish to ease his lot by all possible means - except by getting off his back." Socialists recognise that an injury to one working person is an injury to all.

Socialism will require no political state because there will be neither a privileged property class nor a downtrodden propertyless class: there will be no social disorder as a result, because there will be no clash of economic interests; there will be no need to create a power to preserve ‘order’. The aim of the Socialist Party is the abolition of class rule and class conflict. Its goal is the development of a society in which the few shall no longer be able to enjoy luxury and leisure at the expense of the work, want, and insecurity for the majority.  So greatly have science and technology increased our productive powers that an abundance of all the good things of life for the whole population could be produced without subjecting any human being to drudgery. To assure plenty, security, leisure, and freedom for all, it is necessary that the existing property system, the existing forms of economic control and distribution of wealth, be so changed as to adapt them to the conditions of the modern world. Private ownership means power for the few and subjection for the many. Only by the socialized ownership and democratic control of such productive wealth, doing away with exploitation and making the satisfaction of human wants the ruling motive in production, can the ideal of a class-free society be achieved. The interest of wage-workers demands this change.

 The choice before us is either to permit capitalism to concentrate all power in the hands of an oligarchy of finance and reduce working people to abject servitude, or to assert the people’s right to control and remodel their economic life. In the name of freedom, in the name of civilization itself, for the good of those now alive and of generations yet unborn, we call upon the workers of the city and countryside, and upon all intelligent and humane men and women, to join us in winning the good new world which is within our reach.

Sunday, March 29, 2020

What the Future Holds

When this pandemic is eventually contained and abates we cannot return to normal, because normal was the problem. This as an opportunity to restart society for a better future. We can rebuild our society in an egalitarian way, in an environmental conscious way. We can banish the politics of hate. There are endless possibilities that a post-COVID-19 future can offer us to change our world. Our present capitalist system is unsustainable, and it works for the interests of a few very rich people.

 For the sake of the future, we must build a sustainable, steady-state economic system, an economic system which ends inequality. Nature may have be involved in the birth of this coronavirus strain but the number of deaths depend on human action and how we organise our society’s economic structure. Much of government policies and the lack of medical infrastructure and resources has proven that global capitalist system is incompetent. The world face an almost unprecedented crisis due to the spread of COVID-19. We’re all in this together, and we will only get out of it together. That means a paradigm shift in working together. Open our eyes and start learning that we need to have a different political, economic and healthcare systems from this present one.

The Socialist Party is in favour of the common ownership of all the means of production and distribution: namely, the land, mines, mills, factories, and productive machinery, for the purpose of operating industry in the interest of the whole people. The Socialist Party proposes to establish economic democracy.  The earliest known system of society, of which there exist examples today in certain spots of the earth. Men and women lived together in groups known as gens or clans. These were units of a larger group called the tribe. This type of organisation is built up on kinship or blood relationship. There was no private property, and hence no classes. The land was owned and shared in common.

 State and municipal ownership of energy, transport, etc., are palliatives and meagre ones too. Those who talk about these as “socialism” in any sense at best confuse workers on what really constitutes socialism – namely, the social ownership and control of the means of production and distribution by the people and the ending of the profit system.