

Friday, October 27, 2006

Dawkins gets some backing

I noticed Richard Montague giving Richard Dawkins some critical support on SOYMB over an attack by Terry Eagleton which was long on hyperbole but light in substance .A good read Richards posting was too,entitled So called Marxist defends religion
Dawkins I am still a bit ambivelent about, not so much with his latest book The God Delusion ,but more the pseudo science,almost ,in my view psychobabble, of his Memes and Selfish Genes subject .
I happened to be malingering off my work enough to pop into the London Review of Books, and was pleasantly surprised in the letters page to find normally laid back and relaxed, A.C .Grayling the philosopher gave Eagleton a good thrashing also .
Made my day so it did.Such simple pleasures I have.Enjoy both of those.

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