

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Ever so Bonnie land


Poverty is spreading

across Scotland despite investment by the Executive

POVERTY is spreading across Scotland, with new pockets of deprivation springing up outside the big cities, according to new figures.


Stop the War supporters around the country are planning to join the blockade of the Faslane nuclear base on 6-7 November.
The mobilisation is
part of the Faslane 365 campaign, which aims to blockade the base for a whole year.
Keep your eyes peeled for the members of the Socialist Party,genuine socialists,not nationalists,who support One Commonly Owned, Free Access,Class-less world, without a means of exchange,who are opposed to all war, including the so called, "wars of national liberation",favoured by Left political opportunists.
We hope to be leafletting this activity.

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