

Sunday, October 29, 2006

A lack of awareness! The Blight has been visited on thousands more

A lack of awareness that the Iraq war is about oil has blighted thousands more.

‘Praise Bush and the Iraq war’
The war in Iraq is not a disaster?
Scotland on Sunday: October 29th 06
In an article from Chris Stephen in Antonio, he reports,
Fully one quarter of Americans describe themselves as Evangelical Christians, and their support for president Bush remains rock solid.

The war is about getting rid of a dictator? No!. Well how about, defence of the homeland? No! What must I do to get you to support the war? Let’s try this, religion.

Well according to Pastor John Hagee, a rising star of America’s TV evangelists, the Iraq war is the beginning of biblical prophecies that culminate, possibly very soon, in a mighty struggle between good and evil at Armageddon.

"Listen up, president of Iran," booms the pastor. "We are going to be your worst nightmare, Mr Ahmadinejad. The pharaoh threatened Israel, he ended up fish-food in the sea. When you say Israel is going to disappear in a sudden storm you may be predicting the way you disappear."

The 5,000-seater church, patriotically decked out in red carpet, white walls and blue seats, is packed and the crowd are immediately on their feet, arms raised, shouting hallelujah.

This belief lies at the core of the teachings of the bespectacled pastor, who argues that Christians and Jews must make common cause against forces of darkness he identifies as Arabs, Russians and even a future president of the EU. Christians who fail in their duty will be "left behind" when the obedient are summoned to heaven.

Still not convinced? Why not give Socialism some thought?

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