

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Who is helping who?

Edinburgh July 2005 socialists were circulating among the thousands of Make poverty history demonstrators pointing out the fact that you can’t legislate problems of poverty, homelessness and other similar facts out of existence.

Global aid was called for as a solution, however, the effectiveness of global aid is in question, Malcolm Bruce chairman of the
Conflict and Development: Peace building and Post-Conflict Reconstruction committee said “some conflict-prone states are rich in resources which can sustain warlords, encourage foreign adventurism and lead to the failure of the state and increased poverty for the many as the few get rich.”

I listened to an interviewer ask her interlocutor, “if all the money is going to aid warlords why should people contribute”, reply.
“It still leaves a lot of people who need help”
Is there not enough warlords getting help?

1 comment:

  1. This is spot on.I was at this event also.It is no reflection on people who are working from humane principles,but is a sad fact of life that we need to tackles causes rather than dwell upon the too obvious effects.Captalism is an anti-social system of society and must be got rid of root, branch and all.
