

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Affordable Homes and Carbon emissions

East Kilbride Mail November 1st 2006
Buy new and save thousands on energy bills.
The last week in October was Energy Savings Week and to mark this event, Bryant Homes compared the fuel costs of similar sized brand new and second hand properties.
To shorten things, this resulted in savings of £776 a year, the average stay in any one property is eight years, so we are told, therefore a staggering £6,208 is saved.

I checked the cost of this new house, which was a detached family house, four bedrooms, double-glazing, cavity wall insulation and energy efficient appliances as standard. The range was from 350K to 400K. the interest per month would be between £1.896 and £2,166 if a figure of 6.5 per cent is used.
Well above what some workers could afford.

Cutting carbon emissions are urged on us as a means of saving the planet. People are concerned at the forecasted effects of global warming on “our planet”. We are urged to fill our kettle with just the water we need, not to leave TVs on standby and recycle etc.
Lots of people assist by doing as requested, in spite of the fact it’s not their planet. The planet Earth is owned and controlled by a small capitalist class and for the vast majority of the working class, carbon emissions depend on the wages they receive, e.g. if you are living in what is described as affordable housing, the quality means it could require more heating because it lacks proper insulation, is draughty etc.
That affordable house will be ready for recycling a lot sooner than a house built for a member of the capitalist class.

However don’t feel to guilty about putting more coal on the fire or switching on the gas fire.
The capitalist consumes vast amounts of energy in the profit system, a capitalist will not do anything to reduce carbon emissions unless his competitors do likewise.
The planet Earth owned in common, operating with no money, no wages, Socialism, would build various homes; the word affordable homes would be a relic of the past as all homes would be quality homes.

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