

Friday, December 15, 2006

Corruption inquiry into £6bn Saudi arms deal dropped

This was in the Scotsman today and Wee Matt's comments below was posted up.
Yes well, the Scotsman,as scummilly establishment, as all the other newspapers, doesn't have this on the front page either.Its water everywhere,Diana Parasite Doolittle's inquest,who gives a toss,and a nice wee Xmas story,funny how the poor are rediscovered at Xmas.The UK is one of the biggest arms dealers in the world after the US.They are as perfidious and shabby as any arms dealers.If you are going to have capitalism you will have arms being produced for sale with a view of making a profit.'twas ever thus.It is not a cop-out to say we won't work for fighter aircraft producers,any more than it is a cop-out to refuse to take part in the army or other services', slaughter of fellow/sister workers under any circumstances.

Workers of all countries.and none, have nothing in common with employers of any country, including their own.

Their interest lies in making common cause with workers all over the world and removing capitalism and its infrastructures of government,nation- states,buying and selling markets.root branch and all and establishing a free access socialist/communist society,(not the state capitalism of the Bolshevics Leninists Trotsyists SSP'ers/Solidarity/SWP Respect,Old Labourists,War Mongerers also in their day) ,democratically controled ,locally,regionally and globally by all the world's citizens.Real socialism in other words,"From each according to their ability, to each according to their needs."


  1. Your comment provoked this later comment:-

    "Bl##dy Hell. So the paradise USSR was not really socialist now it's failed. Cuba perhaps? Are you stupid or what - it was PURE SOCIALISM - "Animal Farm" style. Do you really think a thick labourer is more suited to running an economy than someone who has actually been educated. Oh well, looking around perhaps you're right, or perhaps if I replace "

    My first knee-jerk reaction was to wonder why people never believe , say , North Korea when it calls itself a North Korean DEMOCRATIC Republic or when East Gemany called itself the German DEMOCRATIC Reublic but happily accept their self-proclaimed description of themselves as Socialist .
    I suppose it shows you the power of the real brainwashing that goes on .

  2. I felt I had to repond to this persons,stupid and thick labourer jibe as follows.I don't know how productive this sort of exchange is.
    #44 Bl##dy Hell. So the paradise USSR was not really socialist now it's failed. Cuba perhaps? Are you stupid or what - it was PURE SOCIALISM - "Animal Farm" style.
    Wee Matt replies:
    No, far from stupid .If you checked the WSM website you will see that the Socialist Party of Great Britain formed in 1904 specifically pointed out that the Russian Revolution was not and couldnt be socialist.Far from pure socialism, it was ,we were the first to analyse it ,as state capitalism.So less of the insults.We do indeed envisage working men and women,having the intelligence and education to run the new society, as they already run capitalism from top to bottom presently.The difference being that their access to the products of capitalism,which they have already collectively produced, is rationed by a wage or salary.So they run a system which is against their interests,realising this is the first step in resolving this.Perhaps you should get some notion of who constitute the working class before you start sounding off.I repeat ,workers of the world have no country,they have nothing to lose but their chains .
    They have a world to win,they will run it locally regionally and globally,without leaders, with free access to the produce of it and the wages system abolished ,just as soon as they realise this, cease to elect politicians Left ,Right or Centre,to reform an irreformable capitalist system and opt to do so with the organising tenet of, "From each according to their ability, to each according to their needs.
