

Thursday, February 01, 2007

The Sick Society

The Independent has a report from The Samaritans about the mental well-being of the British population .

Money worries, long hours at work and family pressures are driving up stress levels across the country .

Half the population say they feel more stressed now than five years ago and more than 10 per cent say they have felt suicidal, twice the level in 2003.

One in five Britons felt their life was out of control .

70% of 16-to-24 year-olds saying they felt more stressed than five years ago. 16% had contemplated taking their own life.

And the Samaritans response to this - a Stress Down Day .

Sad that those who are sincere in doing some good can never see further than gesture politics and never try to deal with the root cause of why most people suffer from the stress of life - Capitalism .

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