

Saturday, January 27, 2007

When Profits disappoint.

In a previous posting it was pointed out that making a profit was a class thing, no profit no employment. That is why socialists want the working class to recognise that while we have a capitalist system, the profit motive will always create for them insecurity and crisis.

There is some interest in this recent report for me. I’ll comment in brackets

US manufacturer NCR has been criticised for cutting 650 jobs in Dundee, after its quarterly profits rose 16%.
[ I don’t think the criticism will be from the shareholders ]

The Amicus union said Dundee's "loyal" workforce helped NCR achieve a £88m net income towards the end of last year.
Amicus officer Gillian McKay said: "Amicus and the Dundee staff are vindicated in their view that NCR's only motivation in switching production to Hungary and closing its Scottish plant is to add to their already huge profits."
[ I agree with officer McKay, the profit motive is the reason although NCR shareholders probably think they are not huge enough ]

Dundee West Labour MP, Jim McGovern, said: "As we witness these large profits all I can do is express my disappointment that a company with this level of profitability is making 650 redundant."
[What level of profitability would remove this disappointment? I’m sure many of the 650 workers will be anxious for their futures no matter what the profits are for NCR]

His Scottish Parliament colleague, Kate Maclean, added: "This is going to leave a very bitter taste in the mouths of the people that are going to lose their jobs."
[I should hope the bitter taste is in the mouths of the people who are in employment as well. It’s possibly members of their family are among the redundant, it is a class thing after all]

An NCR spokesman said: "The competition we are facing in the ATM marketplace is affecting our profitability. That is why we need to restructure global operations."
[Well there you have it, the competition of the capitalist marketplace brings poverty to the working class when profitability is affected]

Socialists say organise for a change, organise for Socialism. Get rid of this class thing, don’t express your disappointment at the huge profits, get rid of the profit system, get rid of employment.

Central to the meaning of socialism is common ownership. This means the resources of the world being owned in common by the entire global population.

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