

Tuesday, February 27, 2007


Four members of Glasgow branch attended the SCND Rally in George Square to distribute our leaflet Protest Without End explaining why the rally was yet another waste of time and effort.

There were many other leaflets being distributed and we have singled out three, one each from the SSP, SWP and Solidarity.

The SSP’s contained the usual demands all of which, if achieved, would still leave us living in capitalism. As usual, they described this reformist nonsense as “socialism”, a concept they know nothing about.

The SWP’s seemed to be claiming that the Anti War Movement ( AWM ) is responsible for some British troops being withdrawn from Iraq when the real reason is that the government has decided that their withdrawal is in the best interests of British capitalism. The AWM is simply ignored.

Solidarity’s claimed that the war in Iraq if all down to Bush and Blair. Genuine socialists know that capitalism is responsible for ALL modern wars. The leaflet includes a “Please sign up for Solidarity” slip.
Anyone can join this “socialist” organisation and no questions asked. V.V.

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