

Monday, April 30, 2007

Our first Billionaire, doesn’t that make you feel good?

Here in Scotland just before the election there is a lot of effort being spent on telling us “we” should be better off if “we” were Independent , the opponents say no “we” should be better off remaining within the union i.e. Britain.
It’s a businessman’s war and you are expected to pick a side in a battle that would leave you where you are now, at the mercies of a capitalist society. However, you must rejoice that Sir Tom Hunter has become a billionaire because he is a philanthropist. Are they not the kind people who give away money? and he’s Scottish.

A comrade has already posted an article on this blog re the rich list , the figures irrefutably confirm that the capitalist class are becoming increasingly richer and the working class are growing poorer and poorer.

SIR Tom Hunter has joined the league of the super-rich by becoming Scotland's first home-grown billionaire, according to an article in Scotland on Sunday.

The 45-year-old entrepreneur from Ayrshire made his first serious money in 1998 from the sale of Sports Division to JJB Sports for £290m.
A spokesman for the Hunter Foundation said Hunter was as stunned as anyone by the news: He said: "We have never added up Tom's wealth. I think he is pretty stunned. It's a huge privilege but a huge challenge to use the money in a responsible way."

You will notice the use of the “we” word it’s important because that’s the people who look after his business.

"He didn't know what to do with his money and then he stumbled upon philanthropy. His new billionaire status means hundreds of thousands more pounds will flow into Scottish education and poverty alleviation in Africa."
Along with his wife Marion, the tycoon established The Hunter Foundation in 1998, which has donated millions to supporting educational and entrepreneurial projects in Scotland and the developing world.

The Hunter Foundation will use this store of wealth to set up profit making businesses and so alleviating the poverty situation a little for those fortunate enough to be employed, of course if there is no chance of a profit, the workers must get by as best they can because the money will not be just handed out.

Again this philanthropy is directed towards educating workers in entrepreneurial skills, which will no doubt require others to inform him of his stunning successes.

This blog notes another, Irvine Laidlaw, 63, the multi-millionaire businessman, philanthropist and the man who effectively finances the Scottish Conservatives, he also gives away his money in a responsible way i.e. ensuring the continuation of the capitalist system.
The skills the workers have for running their employers business can be used to provide the working class with know-how for the eradication of poverty, provided, “we” organise for Socialism. The common ownership of the means of production.

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