

Monday, April 09, 2007

Rich Ba**ards

450 skilled staff at engineering company Weir Group at Cathcart were recently given notice of impending redundancy , whereas , the Herald reports that the company's chief executive Mark Selway banked £999,737 in 2006, £94,000 more than in the previous year and more than twice the £484,000 he was paid in 2004. In addition to a basic wage of £531,940, Selway received a bonus of £448,800 and other benefits worth £18,997. Selway's maximum bonus has been increased from 85% of salary to 125%, putting him on course to pocket nearly £700,000 in annual bonus alone from 2007.

Weir's company secretary Alan Mitchelson, 57, was paid just under £500,000 - £60,000 more than in 2005 and almost double his total remuneration two years previously. Mitchelson's package comprised basic pay of £283,350, a bonus of £200,250 and other benefits worth £14,615. For Mitchelson, the maximum potential bonus has risen from 75% of salary last year to 100%.

Weir's non-executive directors shared £363,258 in 2006, 12% more than the previous year, and will get more in 2007. Chairman Sir Robert Smith, who received £147,000 last year, had his remuneration increased to £175,000 on April 1. The basic fee for non-executives rose from £35,000 to £40,000 on the same date.

Commenting, Kenny Jordan, regional officer at trade union Amicus, said:-

"Our members' reward for those profits has been a below-average pay offer and uncertainty about the future of their jobs..."

I have news for union official Jordan - Capitalism doesn't exist to reward workers and it's from exploiting workers through the wages system that those profits arise in the first place .

Meanwhile , elsewhere , Keith Cochrane, former chief executive of transport giant Stagecoach, was paid £321,050 for six months work following his appointment as group finance director in July 2006. This included a bonus of £129,375 and the maximum potential bonus has risen from 75% of salary last year to 100% meaning bigger potential bonus next year .

Some have it very good , eh ?

It is the same , same old story which the Socialist Party is determined to work to end for once and for all .

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