

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Day School in Glasgow

Click for page 2 page 3 page 4 of leaflet.


  1. A good time was had by all . Audience grew from 17 to 29 .

    And the meeting's chairman was especially on the ball ;-)

  2. How many non-members in attendance?

  3. prolerat said... We definitely had three I could see, one of whom,from Shropshire asked a lot of good questions.The other was a fellow of religious bent who seemed to believe in wickedness.The other one knows us through family,his brothers were members.I don't think he is a member and he usually tries to make the Glasgow dayschool.We had competition from an Anarchist Radical Bookfest at the same times.There was a younger member from Ardrossan ,who finds it difficult to get down to meetings but made this one.It was good for me personally to get to meet up with them and the speakers Gwynn (whom I've never met before though I enjoy his writing),Paul (ManchesterBranch) always a good speaker in command of his brief,and Brian whose talk I missed,and he self effacingly as usual, said I didn't miss much.I was told by other members he did very well.
    I thoroughly enjoyed this and left exhilerated,by the talks,the cordial atmosphere,the meeting of minds young and old,members and sympathisers,but resolving to encourage the chair to take the speakers test at the earliest convenience,all the more to channel his adrenalin fuelled ebullience into a new challenge,deflecting ,'notions of upperosity' in this, the people's party.
