

Wednesday, July 18, 2007


"A pensioner aged 84 is suing an NHS trust over its refusal to pay for drugs to save his sight in the first such case to be backed by Britain's leading charity for the blind. Dennis Devier of Henley-on-Thames has been told by Oxfordshire Primary Care Trust that he cannot have drugs to treat his macular degeneration, the commonest cause of sight loss, unless he can prove he is an " exceptional case". Mr Devier, a war veteran, is the main carer for his disabled wife and is already blind in one eye. He also has diabetes and Paget's disease, which affects the bones. ... The charity said Oxfordshire PCT claimed to consider each case on its merits but had not funded drug treatment for a single patient, despite having more than 70 in need of it." (Independent, 9 July) Why such cruelty towards an old man who will go blind in three months? Could the cost of treatment £9,000 a year for two years have anything to do with it?

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