

Thursday, July 19, 2007

The Loony Right

The Conservatives are fighting a claim that a businessman did not know what he was doing when he left the party £8.3 million in his will.

London's High Court heard Branislav Kostic was "deluded and insane" when he willed his money in the 1980s.

He made the will after saying Margaret Thatcher was "the greatest leader of the free world in history" and that she would save the world from the "satanic monsters and freaks".

His son says his father lacked "testamentary capacity" because of his delusional and paranoid mental illness.

Clare Montgomery QC said the Conservatives "only benefited because the testator became mentally ill".

Mr Simmonds , QC for the Conservative Prty , said that while it was accepted that Mr Kostic had a delusional disorder it was not accepted that this made him incapable of making a proper will.

I think Socialist Courier readers will concur with all who say that this individual must have indeed been crazy to believe and trust in Magaret Thatcher and the Conservative Party .

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