

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Who Owns the North Pole Part 5

Apologies for those readers of Socialist Courier who have no interest in the "Battle" to own the North Pole but since our last post we once again note recent developments .

Russia is sending a mini-submarine to explore the ocean floor below the North Pole and find evidence to support its claims to Arctic territory. Two parliamentarians are part of a team . The expedition's "flagship", the Akademik Fyodorov, will follow the trail of the ice-breaking ship Rossiya as it travels from Murmansk to the North Pole.

Melting ice in the Arctic has raised hopes of accessing energy reserves. Russia's claim to a vast swathe of territory in the Arctic, thought to contain oil, gas and mineral reserves, has been challenged by other powers .

"The Arctic is ours and we should demonstrate our presence," Mr Chilingarov , veteran explorer and now politician , told Russian TV.


  1. Anonymous11:03 am

    The bbc website has come up with some recent events regarding the battle of the competing countries for the north pole.

  2. Also the Independent carries it now as a front page story

    because of the Russian claims but of course Socialist Courier have been leading on this story for months now .
