

Sunday, September 30, 2007


We are always told that it is tough at the top and here is another example of how the capitalist class have problems that we lucky workers never have to confront. "They have their private jets, luxury yachts and an island or two in the Caribbean. But for the plutocrat with everything, this season's ultimate accessory is much harder to acquire – a top-flight British butler with skills honed and polished by the royal household. The art of "butling" is enjoying an unprecedented renaissance. Not since the days of the landed gentry have butlers been such hot property, providing the ultimate butling in the Beckham household as well as offering media-shy dotcom millionaires and Russian oligarchs that extra bit of personal service. The 21st-century butler has, however, been given a radical makeover that has included being renamed as a "household manager". Today's butlers are not only expected to pour champagne, dust antique furnishings and open doors for guests, but they also have to be able to deal with new technology." (Independent on Sunday, 30 September)
Like the master is always saying - "You just can't get the servants nowadays". RD

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