

Thursday, October 04, 2007


At the Labour and Conservative Party conferences the drum was banged for patriotism. "British jobs for British people", "this great country of ours", "our proud British heritage", and so on ad nauseum. In fact the British capitalists don't care where they make their profits, if they can exploit workers abroad more profitably then that is what they will do, despite the cant spoken at political conferences.
"Unite, the manufacturing trade union, yesterday accused Cadbury Schweppes of behaving like an "asset-stripping private equity firm" following the company's announcement that it would shed 700 jobs by outsourcing chocolate production to Poland. Cadbury said it planned to shut its factory in Keynsham, near Bristol, by 2010, with the loss of 500 jobs, while 200 further posts would go in Bournville, in the Midlands, at the plant where it has been producing chocolate for almost 130 years. Much of the work done at the Keynsham and Bournville plants will be switched to the Polish company Wedel, which it acquired in 1998, Cadbury said, because labour and manufacturing costs would be much lower". (Independent, 4 October) RD

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