

Tuesday, October 02, 2007


"The Chinese authorities are in the midst of an unusually harsh crackdown on the Internet, closing tens of thousands of websites that had allowed visitors to post their opinions, according to bloggers and Internet monitors in China. The new censorship wave appears linked to next month's 17th Communist Party Congress, a key political gathering that will set China's course for the coming five years. Party leaders generally prefer to meet undisturbed by criticism." (Yahoo News, 25 September)
This phoney Communist Party of course run a system of state capitalism not communism. Early socialists like Marx and Engels who wrote the Communist Manifesto were themselves the victim of censorship and deportation and were completely opposed to the concept of censorship. In their day it was the avowedly capitalist parties that practiced censorship but today dicatorships in China and Cuba who falsely describe themselves as communists are the ones who most rigidly suppress all opposition. RD

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