

Friday, October 12, 2007


The South African government shut down Elandsrand gold mine yesterday as the last of 3,200 miners trapped more than a mile underground made their way back to the surface after more than 36 hours underground. The 3,000 men and 200 women became trapped when the electricity cable of the main lift at the mine near Carletonville was severed on Wednesday morning, condemning them to a long and anxious wait in a confined, cramped space where temperatures touched 40C. ...About 200 mineworkers died in various accidents at mines around South Africa last year alone, prompting allegations from trade unions that established mining companies put profits ahead of the safety of their mostly black workers. Just last week, four workers were killed in a rock fall in a mine operated by Anglo Gold Ashanti. The main mining union said that Harmony's Gold practice of mining 24 hours a day meant that there was no time to make adequate checks. Peter Bailey, the union's health and safety chairman said that an inspection of the shaft last week had taken 30 minutes rather than the full day required, and that the alternative emergency exit had been neglected and allowed to become flooded." (Independent, 5 October)
Capitalism is the same the world over, profits always come before any other consideration. RD

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