

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

The wonderful world of capitalism

Sharp increase in prison suicides
The number of prisoners who killed themselves in jail rose significantly in 2007, according to official figures.

The Ministry of Justice has confirmed there were 92 apparent self-inflicted deaths in England and Wales in the same year as a record prison population.

The deaths do not represent a record - but are almost 40% higher than 2006, reversing two years of falls.

According to the Ministry of Justice figures, the number of apparent suicides in jail rose from a low of 67 in 2006 and 78 in 2005. The record number in recent years has been 95 deaths in both 2004 and 2002.

The vast majority, 84, were men and 41 remand prisoners made up the single largest group. Seven under-21 young offenders took their own lives. The youngest of these is thought to be a 15-year-old found hanged in November.

There was a significant rise in the number of foreign prisoners apparently taking their own lives - 23 compared with six the year before.
1998: 82
1999: 91
2000: 81
2001: 73
2002: 95
2003: 94
2004: 95
2005: 78
2006: 67
2007: 92
Source: Ministry of Justice/Howard League for Penal Reform

Four people on indeterminate sentences for public protection and 19 on life sentence were among the deaths.

The figures show that, while 92 people killed themselves, more than 100 others were resuscitated after self-harm incidents that would have led to death.

Useful info on suicide

Suicide prevention strategies
Suicide and gender
Suicide in young people
Suicide in older people
Suicide and race
Suicide and sexuality
Suicide and substance misuse
Suicide and mental distress
Suicide following deliberate self-harm
Suicide in prisons
Suicide in rural areas
Suicide and the media
Attitudes towards suicide
Attempted suicide
Prediction of suicide risk
The effect of suicide on others
Further reading
Useful contacts

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