

Saturday, February 23, 2008


One of the lies about the Second World War that socialists had to deal with was the illusion that the war would destroy fascism. At the time we pointed out that this was not the case and today we have evidence to prove it. Not only is there a growing fascist movement in East Germany and Russia but now we learn of the situation in Hungary."The far right is on the march in Hungary, literally. In recent months, hardly a week has gone by without a rally being held by the Magyar Garda or "Hungarian Guard," their members decked out in black boots and uniforms bearing nationalist symbols last employed by Hungarian fascists during World War II. Their target: Romany (gypsy) criminals and those who want to integrate Romany children into the country's schools. Their rallies usually take place in communities with a large Roma population, where they style themselves as protectors of ethnic Hungarians." (Yahoo News, 13 February) RD

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