

Thursday, March 06, 2008


"Philip Moriarty is professor of physics at the University of Nottingham. He argues that research in science has become too commercialised. "Academic research should be done in the public interest, not driven by the aims of a company. ...Science is much more than just technology. Yet, the research councils expect universities to act like the research and development wing of a corporation. I do basic research in nanoscience, which is an area that can be easily applied to the commercial world, but the reason I'm doing it is not to develop a product that Procter & Gamble or Toshiba can market in five years' time: it's to address fundamental questions about nature. If I wanted to work in industry, I'd be there – I wouldn't be at a university. I know many PhD students and postdoctoral researchers who want to pursue an academic career, addressing the bigger questions rather than working in industry, but they are increasingly realising that they'll just end up being paid less to do the same research." (Independent, 28 February) RD

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