

Monday, March 03, 2008


Oscar Wilde once described a cynic as "a man who knows the price of everything but the value of nothing". The following news item shows what a cynical system capitalism is.
"A Russian businessman paid a record price on Wednesday for an 18th century violin that had not been played in public for more than 70 years. Maxim Viktorov, who bought the instrument by master violin maker Guiseppe Guarneri, paid "well in excess" of the previous world auction record for a musical instrument of $3.54 million, auction house Sotheby's said." (Yahoo News, 13 February)
When Guarneri fashioned his violin he naively must have thought it would be played to delight others not lie silent in a bank vault to increase in price. Inside capitalism many works of art are locked up by millionaires who know the price of everything but the value of nothing. RD

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