

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Glasgow - Edinburgh Day School

Glasgow - Edinburgh Day School



Why Capitalism Can't Go Green.

Paul Bennet

Another Century of Wars?

Gwynn Thomas

The Tyrany of Copyright.

Tristan Miller

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Saturday 10 May from 1 to 5pm
Venue: Maryhill Community Halls,

304 Maryhill Road, Glasgow.

Each speaker will speak for up to 30 minutes, the rest of the session will be taken up by questions and discussions.

Fresh tea, coffee and light refreshments will be available all afternoon.
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Why Capitalism can't go green.

1.00 till 2.15 pm

Capitalism is simply unable to run on green lines, as its motive force is expansion and domination, with no thought for the consequences for the people or the environment. In this talk Paul Bennett, Manchester Branch,will argue that capitalism is unable to cope with the ecological challenges that lie ahead, from global warming,to depletion of resources.

Some writing on this subject
Pepper Standard Bennet Eco-Socialism

Another Century of War

3.45 till 5.00 pm

The new century opened with the promise of a "peace dividend".Tensions between the Super-powers had relaxed and the risk of interstate war seemed to have receeded only to be replaced by an increasing number of wars within states.Wars in which 90% of the casualties are civilians and 80% of those are women and children. Of the 50 major conflicts fought during the 1990's small arms were the weapons of choice in 46 of them..
Gwynn Thomas, South London Branch
, will argue that these are wars on the cheap

Some writing on war
Orwell Thomas BBC

The Tyranny of copyright

2.15 - 3.45 pm

Everything is owned inside capitalism. All the land, the factories, the seas and the farms. An equally pernicious aspect of capitalism is that it tries to own innovations and ideas, and indeed passes laws to protect their copyright.


Tristan Miller, Central London Branch
looks at copyright laws and recent attempts to have ideas free to all by developments in the internet. The internet was devised as free for all to access but capitalism fears this development in the 21st century and has tried to restrict free access.

Some more writing on this subject.
Chomsky Miller

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