

Monday, March 24, 2008


"Health inequalities between rich and poor have widened since Labour came to office in 1997. A report published yesterday shows that attempts to narrow the gaps have largely failed. In infant mortality and life expectancy, two important measures, the gap is wider now than it was then. David Sinclair, head of policy at Help the Aged, said that the figures made a mockery of the Government's attempts to tackle rising inequality and represented a staggering failure. “The starkest demonstration of the gap between rich and poor can be seen in the gulf in life expectancy between different social groups. Despite the Government's commitment that no-one should be disadvantaged by where they live, the reality is that people who are poor, or who live in poor communities die earlier” he said. (Times, 14 March) RD

1 comment:

  1. And the same in the United States . "New government research has found 'large and growing' disparities in life expectancy for richer and poorer"
