

Sunday, March 09, 2008

Praying in Perth

Christian volunteers will patrol Perth town centre from 2230 GMT to 0330 GMT every Saturday night according to the BBC . They are a team of 12 pastors which will go out initially. When the scheme becomes more established they will work in smaller groups. The team will be wearing jackets and caps with Street Pastor emblazoned across them.

They will be offering flip-flops to women who cannot stand in their high heels and giving support to couples who have had disagreements. The group will also pray with those who ask and check bridges for anyone considering jumping in.

Chairman of the Perth Street Pastors said:
"We're just going to go alongside the people coming out of the nightclubs and coming out of the pubs and we're just going to make their lives a bit happier and friendlier...We've been learning anger management, we've been learning about psychology...Some people will want us to pray with them and we'll do that..."

We believe it will take a lot more than a few sanctimonious words and a few prayers from religious do-gooders to make the lives of the working class a bit happier and friendlier .

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:32 pm

    In fact examples of what happenned on Saturday evening involved escorting to safety folk who were vulnerable and abandoned by their friends; making arrangements to help someone whose home was badly affected by alcohol abuse; etc. "Faith without works is dead"
    The intention - and practice - of true Christians is being alongside folk in trouble, to change the world by changing people and through changed people changing society from selfish exploitation to self-giving love in action.
    Hope that helps give a more accurate picture than the "sanctimonious words" comment!
