

Wednesday, March 19, 2008


"Despite a pledge to cut the health gap between the richest and poorest, the difference in life expectancy is widening, a government report shows. The aim is to reduce the differences in male and female life expectancy by 10% by 2010. But the report shows the gap between those in the most deprived areas of England and the rest of the country is getting worse. ...Professor Danny Dorling, an expert in human geography at Sheffield University, said the inequalities were now at "unprecedented levels". "This is the first Labour or Liberal government to see this gap widen."...David Sinclair, head of policy at Help the Aged said poverty was a "central consideration". He added: "It remains the case that those who are wealthier can afford to stay active and healthy, those in poverty cannot."
(BBC News, 13 March) RD

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