

Monday, March 03, 2008

This land of England

Almost one million households in rural England live in poverty, a study says. 928,000 households with incomes below the official poverty line of £16,492.

"A significant number of rural people are unable to share in this high quality of life, with over 928,000 rural households with incomes below the official poverty threshold." Dr Burgess, who heads the Commission for Rural Communities, said . One of Dr Burgess's recommendations is to promote community land trusts, which ensure properties are affordable for rural workers and do not become second homes. "No government, whichever colour of the day, is going to interfere dramatically into the market economy. But what we can do is mitigate the problem."

Rural problems such as lack of affordable housing and access to public transport have been highlighted for years but little has been done to solve them. Many rural communities are therefore unable to deliver a safe, prosperous and healthy quality of life.

Cumbrian slate miner Ben Bland, told the BBC that people from outside rural communities buying up properties was a problem. He said: "Most of the cottages and houses were built by the miners that worked here in the past and built for them to live in.
"It's just a pity they are being sold on to outside buyers now and they're only lived in for six months of the year."

I will not cease from Mental Fight,
Nor shall my Sword sleep in my hand
Till we have built Jerusalem
In England's green and pleasant land.

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