

Monday, May 12, 2008


"Burma is still exporting rice even as it tries to curb the influx of international donations of food bound for the starving surviviors of the cyclone that killed up to 116,000 people. Sacks of rice destined for Bangladesh were being loaded on to a ship at the Thilawa container port at the mouth of the Yangon River at the end of last week, even though Burma's "rice bowl" region was devastated by the deadly storm a week ago. The Burmese regime, which has a monopoly on the country's rice exports, said it planned to meet all its contractual commitments."
(Observer, 11 May)
Inside capitalism business is business, and the fact that millions of Burmese risk death by starvation is of no concern. That is how capitalism operates, during the Irish potato famines foodstuffs were still being exported from Ireland. RD

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