

Thursday, July 24, 2008


It is not yours, it is God's, and you are not going to get it.” said Kenneth Copeland, the television evangelist, when asked to submit his ministry's private financial records to Washington. Mr Copeland is one of at least six American “televangelists” facing the scrutiny of a senate investigation for alleged financial wrongdoing." (Times 7 July)
As Mr Copeland has acquired a mansion reputed to be "as big as an hotel", an aeroplane and even an airport; we imagine that his so-called all powerful god will have to submit to the scrutiny of the US taxman. RD


  1. Anonymous8:58 pm

    There are bigger issues here that Copeland is standing up in defense of. He has also invited an IRS investigation which Grassley should have done from the beginning. The future implications that could come from a wrong decision in this case are something to be feared and will affect all of us. Besides there is no evidence of wrongdoing by any of these organizations.

  2. Anonymous9:26 pm

    It seems as if the government is continuing to push its way further and further into our lives. This is another one of those ways. Copeland is taking it from all sides, but in the end he does have a valid argument. I'm also glad to see other Christian leaders supporting him as this investigation drags on.

  3. Anonymous10:09 pm

    So if Grassley could have gotten all the requested information through an IRS investigation, why was that route not taken? Could it be that the information would be required to be kept confidential if obtained through the proper IRS channel? Did Grassley have further plans for exploitation bringing even more Constitutional issues into play?

  4. Anonymous7:56 pm

    As this drags on, we have now seen GRassley's latest smear tactic. The nepotism angled attack seems to be the latest of the media and Grassley's attempts to ruin Copeland's image. How humorous when so many organizations and even other ministries in this country are run by families. It is so past time for this to come to an end.

  5. Anonymous10:18 pm

    TGIF - I agree with you. It is time for this investigation to come to an end. It's obvious that Grassley is grasping for some kind of evidence and Copeland is not backing down. Grassley made some mistakes in his handling of this and he needs to suck it up and let it go.
