

Wednesday, July 09, 2008


Away back on the 7th April 1775 when Samuel Johnson wrote "Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel", he couldn't have imagined how much modern capitalism would use patriotism to enslave the working class. "On the field before the All-Star Game, Major League Baseball plans to assemble the largest gathering of Hall of Fame players in baseball history. And as fans salute their heroes, the former players will join the crowd in saluting the American flag — one that is roughly 75 feet by 150 feet, as long as a 15-story building is tall, spread horizontally over the Yankee Stadium turf. That is a relatively small flag by big-event standards in American sports these days. But it will signal the latest can’t-miss blend of sports and patriotism, a combination increasingly presenting itself through gigantic American flags, unfurled by dozens or hundreds of people in an attempt to elicit a sense of awe and nationalism in the surrounding crowd."
(New York Times, 4 July) RD

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