

Tuesday, July 29, 2008


Funeral collection for 20 year old scaffolder
£508 was raised in a bucket for the family of a young building worker killed at work who have been left to pay the funeral bill because he was supposedly "self-employed".
Apprentice scaffolder Sunny Holland, aged 20 died on 25 April, the day after he lost his footing and fell 20 feet while working on a site just a few hundred yards from the Houses of Parliament in London.
General Secretary Alan Richie (at the UCATT Delegates Conference)appealed to delegates to make donations. Holland, he explained, had disgracefully been classified as "self-employed" even though he was an apprentice, so he was not covered by funeral insurance.
The family, from St Mary Cray, Kent, could not afford a proper funeral without help, Richie explained.
It was another shocking case of bogus self-employment and the industry's callous neglect of its workers.

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