

Thursday, August 07, 2008


"A total of 290 Mexicans have died trying to cross the border into the United States in the first half of 2008, according to a lawmaker in Mexico's Chamber of Deputies. The number compared to 520 Mexicans who died in the whole of 2007 as they sought to cross the Mexico-US border, said Edmundo Ramirez Martinez, secretary of the committee on population, border and immigration affairs. "There is an increase in deaths of Mexicans on the northern border," he said, adding it was a trend over six years. ...The opposition lawmaker did not say what were the causes of death for the illegal immigrants but human rights groups and media reports say most victims die from heat exposure in desolate desert terrain, drowning and accidents from train-hopping." (Yahoo News, 1 August) RD

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:16 pm

    Those who came to America and formed the colonies would be shocked that sovereign individuals are seeking something called a 'job'.

    Early settlers to North America made what they needed. Their work was their life and a 'job' was not only unavailable it wasn't even known.

    Can you imagine the Pilgrams landing at Plymouth rock and saying "There's no jobs here, let's go back to England".
