

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Food for Thought 5

- Prison is an abomination. We all know that it is capitalist property, production, and capital relations that are the root cause of most crime and that this root cause of crime will disappear in a socialist society. That life under capitalism is all about money and profit was shown recently when the federal government recommended closing the local jail at Warkworth. Angry politicians denounced the idea because the prison brings so much to the local economy - $32 million through wages, goods and services. There’s no analysis of how to eliminate the need for locking people up. - A recent series on crime and punishment in the Toronto Star did, however try to do this with an in-depth study over several issues. What they came up with is interesting. The current ‘get tough on crime’ attitude of politicians looking for an issue to stir the general public does not work. The consensus from those directly involved was to solve the problem by reducing poverty and school drop out rates, provide affordable housing, and increase access to health care all are economic solutions and therefore not possible under capitalism. Who Will pay? Their solutions were backed up by the following statistics:-Over 70% of prisoners have not completed high school.70% have unstable job histories.80% have serious drug problems12% of male prisoners and 26% of women prisoners suffer serious mental health problems.The article comments that we have, ‘a society that criminalizes its troubled citizens’ and targets the mentally ill, the unemployed, and drug and alcohol addicts. In other words, the reserve army and the throw aways of capitalism. The criminal justice system is big business. Canada spends $13 billion out of a $243 billion total federal budget and the US spends a staggering $200 billion., most of which goes for naught as the US has the highest incarceration rate of all industrial countries at 723 per 100 000 (Canada 107, Norway 65). Like the wars on terror, poverty, drugs et al, the war on crime is as phony as a three dollar bill, and the result is a terrible blight on society. Bring on common sense and common ownership! John Ayers

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