

Tuesday, August 26, 2008


"It has long been the case that women live longer than men, whites live longer than blacks, and the rich and well-educated live longer than those who are less well off in schooling and wealth. In recent decades, the gender and race gaps have narrowed. But the opposite has happened with wealth and education. The rich and well-educated have pulled further away from the pack in life expectancy. This good-news-for-the-rich, bad-news-for-the-poor trend is recorded in a graph on page three of his report by the Congressional Budget Office. Overall, the report shows impressive gains in life expectancy. From 1980 to 2000, life expectancy at birth rose by more than 3 years and life expectancy at age 65 rose by about 1.5 years. In both cases, however, most of those extra years went to the richest and best educated." (New York Times, 20 August) RD

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