

Thursday, December 18, 2008


Izuza, Mazda, and Honda, as well as Toyota, all announced they’ll terminate 6 000 contract jobs in the coming months. Workers are finding out that they only work at the whim and pleasure of capital.But Wait!
Ontario Premier, Mcguinty, has found the answer to our Economic woes. On Friday he said, “ But, if we are not careful, if we don’t Christmas shop for example, we can actually, unwittinglycontribute to our economic challenges. If you don’t buy that car, even though you can actually afford it, if you don’t buy that fridge, if you don’t shop at Christmastime, it can actually put us in a bit of a downward spiral.”
(Yes he actually said that!) On the same day, Black Friday, in the US a Walmart Employee was trampled to death by a crazed bunch of shoppers looking for bargains. Now that’s the type of shopper McGuinty is talking about! John Ayers

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