

Friday, January 02, 2009


"Dublin, Ireland – New restrictions on begging are being instituted here for the first time since the potato famine of the 1840s. Although merchants say changes are needed to deal with an increasingly aggressive and organized cadre of panhandlers, critics call the measure an unnecessary criminalization of society's most vulnerable members. ...The impetus for the law came after Ireland's High Court ruled last year that the existing Vagrancy Act of 1847 – an anti-begging law introduced by Britain during the Irish Potato Famine – was outdated and interfered with an individual's right to freedom of expression. "Authorities had no legal powers to prosecute cases of begging," says a spokesperson from the Department of Justice. "The minister [of Justice Dermot Ahern] decided that this was an unacceptable situation." ...No matter the rationale, the change comes during tougher times. Not long ago, Ireland was known as the Celtic Tiger for its booming economy. This year, according to estimates from the International Monetary Fund, the economy here will contract by 1.8 percent. Unemployment is also expected to hit 10 percent in 2009." (Yahoo News, 24 December) RD

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