

Thursday, February 26, 2009


Socialists want a new world without borders, nationalism or any other of the nonsense of capitalism."Russia has expressed its regret over the deaths of eight Chinese and Indonesian sailors whose ship was fired on by Russian forces. But Moscow blamed last week's incident squarely on the ship's captain. The New Star, a Sierra Leone-flagged ship, sank soon after a Russian warship fired on it off the port of Nakhodka in the far east of Russia. China's foreign ministry issued a strongly-worded protest to Moscow, demanding a full investigation. But Russia says the Indonesian captain illegally crossed its border." (BBC News, 21 February)
The families of those workers from China and Indonesia who lost their loved ones did so because of the insane capitalist society that splits the world into borders and countries. Inside world socialism that would be impossible. We are all brothers and sisters - nationalism is nonsense. Too late for our Chinese and Indonesian workers though, but their deaths make us want to work even harder for world socialism - a society without countries or borders. RD

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