

Friday, February 06, 2009

Food for Thought 2

In the article, “The Zero Hour is Coming” by Peter Gorrie (Toronto Star, 3/Jan/2009, the author presents the incompatible idea that we can have zero growth and keep capitalism. Apart from that impossible theory in capitalism, he does make a couple of good points. He chides environmentalists for proposing ways to cut greenhouse gas emissions and keep our growth model,
“Even many environmentalists trumpet growth cloaking it in green. With clean, efficient, carbon technologies, they say, we can have more of everything and keep the planet inhabitable.”

He cites a recent Pembina Institute/ David Suzuki Foundation report thatclaims that within 12 years, Canada could cut emissions to 25% below 1990 levels, expand the economy 20%, and create 1.2 million jobs. On growth, Gorrie quotes a senior economist at York University, Peter Victor,
“ What’s wrong with growth? In the first place, it hasn’t fulfilled the promise of full employment, less poverty and a better environment: Growthhas been disappointing.”
No kidding. I wonder when they will come to the realization that we need a better system!
- Also on the environment, a Moncton recycling initiative by a community group has had to close, put five people out of work, and send its stock to the landfill because it is losing money. Money rules! John Ayers

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