

Monday, February 23, 2009


At the beginning of the last century Jack London wrote many novels and short stories about the Gold Rush. They were tales of adventure and heroism. Today we are experiencing another Gold Rush, but this time it is not about bravery, it is about fear and panic. "You know that something is going very badly when the bestselling investment is a metal that is good for nothing except to cap rotten teeth and repair fragile relationships. The price of useful metals, such as copper and aluminium tumbled yesterday, but gold futures in New York rose above $1,000 per ounce. ...This rally is about hoarding. That is what makes it scary and it is the reason why it is likely to continue till more optimistic economic news drives investors to more productive investments. Only 11 per cent of the annual 3,600 tonnes of gold consumed has any useful application, such as dentistry or electronics. The great majority of gold sold, about 60 per cent, is for jewellery and the rest is hoarding - investors buying bullion and ordinary people buying bars and coins. ...This gold rush is all about fear ." (Times, 21 February) RD

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