

Thursday, February 12, 2009


We are used to reading about malnutrition in so-called "poor countries", but this is not just a problem in Asia or Africa. "More than 3 million people in Britain are seriously underweight and at risk of malnutrition, researchers warned today after an investigation into the medical consequences of poverty and social isolation. The British Association for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition (Bapen) said the NHS committed huge resources to tackling obesity, but paid scant attention to malnourishment. In a survey it found 28% of people admitted to hospital showed symptoms of malnutrition, including weight loss and a low body mass index. About 30% of new care home residents and 19% of people admitted to mental health units had the same problems." (Guardian, 10 February)
In one of the most developed countries in capitalism we have this shameful plight for the old and poor. After a lifetime of working for wages many workers find themselves in this sad predicament. RD

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