

Friday, May 15, 2009

European Elections 2009

European Elections

Click image to enlarge view

We are contesting in London but urging a write in vote elsewhere.
Our election Blog
Download our election leaflets.

1, Manifesto for London Region (where we're contesting) (PDF)
2. Manifesto for outside London (where we're running a write-in campaign) (PDF)


Dannny Lambert, Tristan Miller, Janet Carter, Bill Martin, Adam Buick, Simon Wigley, Frederick Allen, Patricia Deutz.


Flying pigs and the Euro elections

Click image for more info.

Français (French) Italiano (Italian) Svenska (Swedish) Español(Spanish) Polska (Polish)

Download our election leaflets.

1, Manifesto for London Region (where we're contesting) (PDF)
2. Manifesto for outside London (where we're running a write-in campaign) (PDF)
3. London manifesto in Bengali (PDF)

( If anyone wants copies of these leaflets to distribute they should send an email to )

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