

Monday, May 11, 2009


When the G20 leaders met in London to discuss the current economic crisis one of the theories about dealing with crisis they must have discussed would have been that of J.M. Keynes. He had argued that in the event of a downturn in the capitalist economy governments should spend more in order to boost confidence and spending power. Judging from recent reports they seem to have taken his advice to heart, though not in the way that Keynes meant.
"Taxpayers were left with a bill of around £500,000 for wining and dining the G20 leaders, their spouses and aides, it was reported today. The cost of a series of dinners laid on for dignitaries ahead of the 2 April summit in London added up to more than £66,000, with VIP guests drinking 136 bottles of wine worth £6,000, according to figures obtained by the Independent under the Freedom of Information Act." (Guardian, 7 May) RD

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