

Sunday, June 07, 2009

Food for Thought 2

- Perhaps religion has the pension answer. Preacher Tin La Haye tells us re collapsed retirement savings, " Don't worry about it – I don't think we are going to be spending our retirement. The upper-taker (Jesus) is going to catch us first. If He's coming, He better hurry and get here before the federal government. Every morning you can wake up and say, `Lord, is this the day?'And don't worry about it, no matter how young or old you are – you are not going to miss a thing. Because what's ahead is much better than we've got now – particularly after the last election…Personally, I've never been a lover of socialism."
OK then, we don't have to worry about old age. However, it didn't stop La Haye exhorting his following to write out checks to support him and his traveling entourage and keep them in a life of luxury. (Toronto Star, 16/May/2009). John Ayers


  1. I'd like to think that the movement away from the established religions towards the following of inspirational fundamentalist religious leaders and the mass hysteria/desperation shown by congegations marks the death throes of religion.
    Wishful thinking?

  2. I 'd like to think so also.However,while most in the UK are 'really' agnostic, the influence of this mass hysteria has political consequences, as vote catching politicals try to garner their support with pro-religious (faith-based)initiatives.
    The consequences (ideological) puts another hurdle in the path of socialists.It is bad enough to argue with rational thinkers,(their support for capitalism is akin to a belief which htey are afraid to jettison), but the hysteria gets in the way, of a dialogue also if it is prominently positioned, in between the ones having a dialogue.
    It is hard enough to get past the "It's a great idea but it will never work",barrier to get people to engage their thinking outside of the box,but if we are then to be portrayd as intolerant,by dismissing the irellevant ideas of the religious as akin to believing in Unicorns,we have a job to do to persuade that we are not against religious people, but against religion in general,the whole silly notion,as "the voice of the damned ,the cry of the oppressed etc.
    You really got me going..

  3. Now you've upset me!
    Are you really saying that unicorns don't exist?

  4. Only in your head.Incidently you are allowed to believe anything you like,but it becomes social, rather than private matter, if it is in the public domain and I have to accede by giving authority or creditability to it.Cheers.
