

Monday, March 01, 2010

Socialist Standard March 2010 ,Vol.106 Issue No.1267.

Socialist Standard March 2010  Vol.106 Issue No.1267.

Socialist Standard Special edition  March 2010
Available also
as PDF
Tony Blair and the Chilcot inquiry
Does it matter whether the Iraq War was legal or illegal? Read >

Tilting at windmills with a banjo
Pete Seeger is now in his 90th year. His songs have always been
better than his politics.Read >

What is Real Democracy and How Do We Get It?
In a month or so the people of Britain will be asked once again to decide which representatives of the ruling class will rule over them for the next four or five years.Read  >

Capitalism breeds inequality
A recent report shows that the reformist actions of the Labour
government have not been able to reverse the inequalities that capitalism generates.Read >

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