

Monday, May 10, 2010

Food for thought

On solving poverty, the Toronto Star editorial (27/03/10) noted that the recent provincial budget virtually ignored poverty even though they have repeatedly promised a reduction (25% over five years) since taking office (four years ago). They also, as previously reported cut the special diet allowance for those with medical problems but did increase welfare rates - by 1% (i.e. $5.85/month for a single person on $585/month – their generosity abounds!). The Star comments, "The primary goal, however, is clearly not to create a better programme but a cheaper one."In the same issue, an article by Mary Wells asks if a minimum wage is a  good idea. It has recently risen to $10.25/hr from $9.50 ($9.60 from $8.90 for under 18s working less than 28 hours/week and $8.90from $8.25 for those serving liquor. Presumably their wages will be made up with tips, or not.) The fear is that employment will fall as wages rise. Much better to have to struggle even harder and have a job. Great system! John Ayers

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