

Friday, June 11, 2010


In every military conflict we have spokesmen for the owning class disguising the crass commercial reasons for the mayhem with honeyed words. We have had "the rights of small nations", "a war for democracy" and the "fight against dictatorship". One of their spokesmen however shocked the world recently by telling the truth. Horst Kohler, President of Germany in an absent-minded mood declared about the conflict in Afghanistan: "A country of our size, with its focus on exports ... must be aware that military deployments are necessary." (Newsweek, 14 June) Needless to say he had to resign his presidency before he was sacked. A politician telling the truth! Next thing you know they will be telling the working class that they are exploited by the owning class. Get rid of these dangerous truth-telling merchants immediately is the response of the capitalist class! RD

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