

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Its always the poor who pay

The poorest people in Scotland are being penalised by unfair overdraft charges, according to a report by Citizens Advice Scotland.

It said the banks' poorest customers were subsidising the richest by paying a higher part of their income in fees. Despite talk about being more responsible, banks were still imposing heavy charges on vulnerable people.

Citizens Advice Scotland chief executive Susan McPhee said "...the people who are worst hit by these charges are those who can least afford to pay them.Indeed these charges mean that the poor are actually subsidising the rich, like a reverse Robin Hood effect."

One pensioner was charged £66 for going overdrawn by 60p.

1 comment:

  1. This was the first thing the new supreme court had to rule on,They ruled in favour of the banks to the approval of some journalists such as Melanie Phillips in the Guardian who felt that self-discipline had to be learned by us ordinary punters.The banks were bailed out and the punters get shafted.'twas ever thus,Rich persons justice.
