

Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Food for thought

G8/20 notes
That 'democratically elected leaders need the kind of billion dollar security that was used in Huntsville and Toronto makes a mockery of the whole system.
If there was ever any doubt that the police are the natural enemy of the working class, it was dispelled by the 20 000 in riot gear and guns drawn (at the American Embassy), the mass sweeps and arrests (900) of even innocent bystanders, and the allegations of abuse, strip searches, and threats.
If there was any doubt that the government and the legal system work for the capitalists class, it was dispelled by the Ontario government's passing of a law, in secret, giving police search and arrest powers for the weekend of anyone within five metres of the wall. Turns out, after the fact, it is unconstitutional and could only apply inside the compound, anyway.
For socialism, John Ayers

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